There such a thing as the body and brain connection, especially during stressful events. During this period of uncertainty what internal resources do we possess to co-exist with others and resilience to overcome difficulties. These are fundamentals learned when we are growing up in a home/familiar/caregiver/nurturing environment or not so much all mentioned. What experiences this I have in the past that build me internernally to overcome this overwhelming period in my life. COVID 19 is like nothing ever experienced to those is modern times. We are hooked to TV, Media, gossip, comments, social media, to name a few. So much confusion and misunderstanding going on right now. To not cover our mouths, then to cover! To stay informed, but then again be careful with watching too much news! Our children, that's an immense issue going on in most households. How do we keep up with teaching, feedings, physical activities? How do we adjust and adapt while being out in public or not in public?
Anxiety provoking thoughts are all those presented on top. Trust me, I have experienced a couple of those in past couple of weeks. We Psychotherapist and experts in Mental Health, Psychology, and Human Behaviors are not exempt from feeling and reacting. What am I doing to remain sane and in constant contact with reality without losing my mind?
I think one of my best measures has been adaptation to new conditions based on prior experiences. I was quick to put into practice that having sound time management place was the best practice to continue with healthy existence. So I wake up and as I would normally do and prepare for a day at the "office". Get dressed and set my coffee and calendar of events for that day. What used to be face to face connection switched to Zoom or other forms of communication. That was an adaptation period in itself and some of my clients adapted and others not so much. First and to get out of negative, distracting thinking, I dove into helping our community and others, aside from my clients. I contributing in creating a Zoom host for meetings for 12 step programs. I put into practice when thinking of others my issues are minimal. Focusing on others without forgetting about and helping my community is assisting me with staying focus and my mind from mental negativity. Decreasing the amount spent watchin news and financial/health crisis and things I couldn't control. I stay inform 3 times a day and up to 15 minutes. That's all I need to know and stay up to the minute. Next what can I do to assist this crisis? Stay healthy has been my motto. If I don't get sick or get into any unnecessary accidents I don't overburden the health systems further than what it is already experiencing.
How do I stay connected and relaxed? How do I cope with a significant other that is always in my space? Not long ago he was out and working, now we are sharing space 24/7. Firstly, say and it's ok to say, I need alone time. I am fortunate to live in a house that has a garden and a backyard, but even then this spaces can become small when we are used to being out and about. With trust, kind, and assertiveness we have been able to communicate and avoid any altercations that will inability create more stress in our union. I center myself all day long, I check with my emotions, I check before I speak, and I apologize when I have stepped on other toes. I am not perfect, I am human, and I filled with emotions. I have fears, but I have courage as an antidote. I chose to be an optimist and view life as "we will overcome this". I create vision boards of places I want to visit next. I moved furniture around to create a new scene. I watch butterflies and our spring growing among us. I look at how nature is recovering while "we sleep". There is much to come and much we will learn from this experience. Ultimately is up to you and me to make this count. Don't allow mental overwhelm to dictate how you feel and how you behave during these difficult times. You have choices, exercise them. You can have a clean, healthy mind and that also takes care of your immune system. That's topic of further discussion. Life will get better as we adapt to new settings. Before we know it all will be back to normal with a new perspective on Life and others that live among us. A new view of our Planet and a renewed appreciations of all we have that is beyond material.
Beautiful time to be our very best. Join me in discovering who and what I am and truest self that is resilient as we never knew before. May we stay positive and in help to others. Warms hugs and healthy recovery!!